The 3 Compelling Brand Elements

December 16, 2019

When you look at any individual or organization the ones that are considered compelling by most people have some common traits. Before you go through these three elements - think of a person or brand that you look up to. Someone or some organization that influenced you in a substantial way - they will have most, if not all of these components present.

The most compelling brands have elements of:

1. Competence - The brands we look up to have a level of knowledge and a skill set to themselves. They are what we would consider competent. We feel fairly certain that they can fulfill their promise and do more. Through this they indicate high levels of power, influence, knowledge status and control.

2. Warmth - The best brands along with this deep competence - have an element of warmth to them. They aren't cold and competent - the most compelling are warm and competent.

3. Teaching - The most compelling brands and public figures - if you think about them in your own life - taught you how to think. Whether it was directly or indirectly they lead through example or energy by showing a new way forward or at least an interesting way to look at life that you thought was helpful.

Competence. Warmth. Teaching.
