
December 28, 2019

There are typically two camps that always form in the world of marketing and persuasion - two camps that shouldn't really exist.

One camp is focused on just providing pure logic to the customer: talking to the about the product as if you were at a table with them and breaking down the logic and rationality of the solution.

The other camp ignores logic and believes that humans are not rational. That they are guided by human nature and that we must understand this human nature.

Now, its not that these two camps don't believe in both. People that prefer logic use emotions just as much and the people that prefer emotions use logic as a tool as well - the issue is that  they form a preference of what tool they want to use - that they subconsciously create almost a "habit" to approach a campaign one way or another. These habits can lead to build spots and preferences block us from seeing and serving the customer effectively.

What are your habits when you approach new campaigns? 
